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09 de Março de 2022 as 21:03:37

EDITORIAL - Biden pressures his European Chihuahuas to isolate Russia

Joe "Apolcalypse Now' Biden
Joe 'Apocalypse Now' Biden puts pressure on his European Chihuahuas
No limits to lies and cynicism.
by Wilson R. Correa
In the most recognized tradition of Washington's arrogance, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki last Monday, 07.03.2022, launched the Joe Biden administration's official warning to the Chinese government: If China fails to comply with sanctions against Russia established, the US can 'take action'.
President Biden himself held a video call with President Emmanuel Macron of France and Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany, as well as Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom. From these leaders, Biden managed to wrest a commitment that Russia will continue to increase the costs of its military "special operation" in Ukraine.
Jen Psaki, current White House spokesperson, journalist and member of the Democratic Party, during the Barac Obama administration, served as a spokesperson for the US State Department, perhaps the great radiating center of organizational culture in the US state. .
The State Department is not exactly the equivalent of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although he manages the diplomatic service and takes care of the configuration of the strategy to be pursued by the US embassies around the world, the positions of Secretary of State and directors have been occupied by the so-called "hawks", conservative characters who fulfill the role of enabling the plundering of natural and financial resources promoted by the USA in other countries, through declared threats, such as the one, quite clear, uttered by Jen Psaki, alluded to above; but also through involvement, favoritism, corruption, etc. of Philo-American characters from the countries that are the object of North American predatory action and the looting of resources.
In this regard, the statement made by Mike Pompeu, Secretary of State during the Donald Trump administration, became famous for bringing to public knowledge avowed proof of defining elements of the organizational culture of the American 'deep state'. In a lecture at Texas A&M University, 15.04.2019, Pompeu stated:
"We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole..."
under laughter and applause drawn, by its cheerleading and entourage, from an astonished audience.
[To watch Mike Pompeu's video,
click on the address at the end of this article.] 
a) Given this, how can you trust anything that comes from the US state that, for some time, has not fulfilled agreements, treaties, contracts and commitments, including with friendly and allied countries?
b) How can one believe the US government's report that the US has not instigated Russia for all this time, if General Frank McKenzie himself reported that the strategy and objective of the US force today remaining in Syria of about 2,500 troops , is "to annoy, annoy and annoy and instigate Russia" ?
c) How can we believe the American good-boy discourse, in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, if 26 biological weapons research laboratories have just been discovered in Ukrainian territory, under the technical and financial sponsorship of the American government and material, also from countries Europeans in the border areas with Russia ?
d) How can we believe the American good-boy discourse if the ultra-right militias, such as the famous Azov battalion, admittedly a Nazi force, were incorporated into the Ukrainian armed forces, assumed their command, received training, weapons and financial resources of the US government, evidently, and since 2014 it has carried out the bombing of civilian areas and the population in the provinces of Donetsk and Lugansk, resulting in more than 15,000 deaths and thousands of injuries, in addition to the destruction of urban infrastructure ?
e) How to trust the US rhetoric, if promises were made, when the USSR fell, that NATO would not advance to Eastern Europe, and these promises were tricky not fulfilled and, at the gates of Russia, they were gradually being installed, as along five waves of expansion to former "Iron Curtain" countries, medium and long-range missile batteries, missile silos and nuclear warheads aimed to Moscow and other cities on Russian territory ?
f) How can we fail to see that the US government is deliberately inciting the Russian government to a war, if for many months the Putin government has been seeking the negotiating table to resolve this impasse, with its diplomacy internationally recognized as one of the best on the planet, in everytime; but Washington and NATO, represented by an intellectually mediocre and warmongering diplomacy, at the behest of the US military-industrial complex, are reportedly unwilling to respond to the Russian government's simple-minded request not to install nuclear warheads near Russia, leading to the Russian government compulsorily to military action to stop this aggression undertaken by NATO against Russia? By the way, how can we understand that this is not an aggression against Russia if the Secretary General of NATO, the reckless and stupid Jens Stoltenberg declared, days before the Russian military action: "If the Russians want fewer missiles, they will have more missiles".
g) How can we not consider the actions of NATO and Washington to be criminal in allying themselves with society's garbage, the Nazi militias that infest Ukraine and impose torture, death and destruction on the Ukrainian civilian population?
h) How can one not be appalled by the call made by Ukrainian President Zelensky to obtain, from now on, nuclear missiles from the imperial countries, the USA and England, among others, and to disrespect the 1991 Minsky Agreement, which signed the denuclearization of Ukraine?
i) How can one not be amazed at the possibility of a country dominated by Nazi militias and Nazi-controlled armed forces, possessing atomic bombs and operating as a nucleus of Nazi expansion across the planet? How can the US and UK support garbage like this? ... a total irrationality and lack of ethics!
j) How can we not see that this whole strategy also has the objective of crushing, due to loss of competitiveness, the industrial power of Germany, through the increase in energy prices - which would be cheap with the NordStream I and NordStream II gas pipelines - and also because of the price increase in raw materials, of which mainland Russia is a supplier, in medium and long-term contracts, whose prices are not subject to "bad weather" and manipulation by the US on the Chicago and London stock exchanges?
k) How can we fail to see that all this was set up by the US government to instigate, corner and isolate Russia and impose sanctions on it that stop the growth of its economy and the expansion of its military power (today superior to that of Washington), to destroy its export capacity through an extra-market mechanism and to make room for US exports of natural gas, in which the US has a great competitive disadvantage?
Scoundrel, lying, cynicism and flirting with Nazism and the extinction of life on the planet, seem to have no limits in the USA Imperialism.

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