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25 de Março de 2022 as 23:37:45

EDITORIAL - Demonization of Russia and camouflage of evidence from biological warfare laboratories in Ukraine sponsored by the Pentagon

Demonization of Russia seeks to camouflage evidence that US and NATO have maintained biological warfare labs in Ukraine on Russia's borders
by Wilson R Correa 
After being discovered by Russian troops 30 Ukrainian laboratories intended for research and development of biological and chemical weapons, on the border with Russia, designed, financed, deployed and sponsored by the US Department of Defense, Jens Stoltenberg, in a statement at the Conference held by NATO in Brussels, on.03.24,2022, admitted that it will reinforce military support to Ukraine, this time with equipment against biological and chemical weapons.
Stoltenberg's rhetoric was by no means unprecedented. Puppet of the Pentagon, in the post of Secretary General of NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization, confirmed in the post for a new term of two years, during the Conference, followed the bottom line dictated by Joe Biden the day before, in a cynical strategy of counter-information.
This meeting promoted by NATO, still in progress this Friday, 03.25, has the presence of representatives from member countries of the Organization, such as Joe Biden, from the USA, Emmanuel Macron, from France, Olaf Scholtz, from Germany, and Boris Johnson, from the United Kingdom, as well as other personalities. During the Summit, it was agreed that NATO will reinforce its support to the Ukrainian government of Zelenskiy, providing it with cyber security tools and defense against chemical and biological weapons.
NATO's concern with chemical and biological weapons, now expressed with emphasis, has become a recent item of US rhetoric, notably, and the Organization, in response to the location in Ukraine, by the Russian command in the country, and the presentation to the Council of UN Security, of documents proving the existence of laboratories for the development of biological weapons in Ukraine.
Biological warfare or germ warfare is warfare in which pathogens are used to threaten people's health and lives. The use of biological weapons is strictly prohibited by the United Nations. Despite this, military powers have this kind of arsenal in the form of bombs and certain types of spreaders.
As it is illegal, the Biden administration disclosed that rumors of US-sponsored biological warfare laboratories in Ukraine were false; and that, in fact, the information would have been released by the Russian government to support the use of chemical and biological weapons by Russia itself, in its advance on Ukraine.
However, the American strategy was “short-legged”, as it is popularly said in Brazil, regarding every lie. Well, on 03.08.2022, in an audience at the US Congress, the Capitol, the existence of these laboratories in Ukraine was officially confirmed.
None other than Victoria Nuland, the under-secretary of the US State Department, responsible for Washington's foreign policy operations in Ukraine, questioned by Republican Senator Marco Rubio, in a specific hearing on the subject, under oath and risk of crime of perjury, affirmed positively about the existence of such laboratories. Her sentence "Ukraine has biological research facilities" caused the senator's scare and his immediate and abrupt interruption of Nuland's confession. Before she could declare anything even more compromising, Rubio turned the conversation to demonizing Russia. Check out the full dialogue below:
Sen. Marco Rubio: Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?
Victoria Nuland: Ukraine has biological research facilities that, in fact, we are now quite concerned about Russian troops, Russian forces may be trying to gain control, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how we can prevent these research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces, should they approach ...
Sen. Marco Rubio: I'm sure you know that Russian propaganda groups are already spreading all kinds of information about how they discovered a plot by the Ukrainians to release biological weapons in the country, and with the coordination of NATO. If there is a biological or chemical weapon incident or attack inside Ukraine, do you have any doubt that 100% would be the Russians behind it?
Victoria Nuland: There is no doubt in my mind, Senator. And indeed, it is classic Russian technique to blame the other for what they are planning to do.
However, the cover-up effort undertaken by Senator Rubio was in vain, as Victoria Noland's statement clearly showed that the biological research carried out in those laboratories is intended for the production of chemical and biological weapons. For only in the case of its existence is the American fear, declared by it, admissible for the possession of the materials by the Russian command.
On that same occasion, at a meeting of the UN Security Council, the Chinese ambassador confirmed the Russian government's report on the existence of 30 bio-pathogen research laboratories in Ukraine. He complemented the information with the fact that there are 130 such laboratories in the entire planet. And he demanded clarification from the US government in this regard. The Biden administration denied everything ...
Under intense control of bigtechs and the US and UK information agencies, mainly, the mainstream Western media has been disclosing this information very sparingly..
But there are suspicions that among the pathogens identified in the Ukrainian laboratories, funded by the US Department of Defense, cataloged in the report presented by the Russian ambassador to the UN Security Council, the Covid-19 viruses would be included, reanimating the old suspicion. that the pandemic did not arise in the Chinese public market in Wuhan, but was the result of laboratory experiments.
Faced with this ominous picture, the view that the US and NATO have turned Ukraine into a center for the production of biological weapons stands out. And at that moment the operation to cover up this crime takes place, through the lie and the cynical inversion of the authorship of the crime against Russia, as if it were not NATO and the US government, the executioners putting it in danger of fatal contamination, since Russian, Ukrainian and European populations have long been affected, as the Russian report speaks of pathogen lethality of up to 50%.
So the cover-up of this crime against the Ukrainian and Russian peoples, by the Biden government and by NATO, did not start with Stoltenberg's declaration at the great NATO summit this week. But it became the leitmotif, the driving motive of this meeting.
And for a very simple reason. In addition to the removal of nuclear missile batteries from the Ukraine-Russia border, aimed at Moscow; beyond the denazification of Ukraine; the illegal existence of biological warfare laboratories on these borders, designed, financed, built, sponsored and under the assistance of the US Department of Defense, the Pentagon, in itself, all this constitutes more than sufficient reason for the police-military operation conducted by the Russia in Ukrainian lands.
In fact, the allegation of the existence of chemical and biological weapons in the possession of Saddam Hussein's Iraq was the argument used by the Pentagon hawks and the George W. Bush administration for the invasion of that country, the deposition and death of its president and the destruction of Iraq.

Fonte: Wilson R Correa, da Redação JF

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