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Sexta-Feira, Dia 06 de Setembro de 2024 as 15:09:10

EDITORIAL - Insane Proposal on Abortion

EDITORIAL - Insane Proposal on Abortion
by Wilson R. Correa
The Chamber of Deputies approved this Wednesday, 12.06, the urgency regime for Bill PL 1904/2024, which equates abortion after 22 weeks of pregnancy to homicide, a bill authored by deputy Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL-RJ) and 32 other parliamentarians.
The author of the urgent request, in turn, is the coordinator of the Evangelical Parliamentary Front, congressman Eli Borges (PL-TO). The congressman defended its approval by claiming that the WHO (World Health Organization) considers abortion after 22 weeks of pregnancy to be child murder. This is not true. The WHO has never characterized this type of abortion as such.
Initially, the political move by the Chamber's board of directors, recognizing the urgency of Bill 1904/24, in consideration of the interests of the evangelical bench, makes it possible to send the proposal directly to the Plenary of the Federal Chamber for voting, in order to bypass its necessary analysis by the parliamentary committees.
In this project, there are no elements in the PL that could characterize the need to grant it urgency for voting, as could be unequivocally observed in the case of the PL that allocated resources to help victims of the rains in Rio Grande do Sul, a typical case for parliamentary urgency.
The function of the House committees is to assess the constitutionality of the bill, by the Constitution and Justice Committee; aspects related to human health, by the Health Committee; and other House committees that could be designated by the House's board of directors, if a public interest is identified. However, the Board of Directors of the House determined that the bill should be sent directly to the Plenary for voting by the deputies.
Furthermore, the WHO World Health Organization absolutely does not define as murder the abortion of a fetus with 22 or more weeks of gestation, as mistakenly mentioned by deputy Eli Borges (PL-MT).
The WHO does recommend specific procedures for legal abortion after 20 weeks of gestation, such as asystole, which is the injection of a substance that causes the death of the fetus before it is removed from the uterus.
Please note that laws and definitions may vary depending on the country and its specific legislation. Thus, abortion is illegal in Brazil, except in the circumstances where (a) the pregnancy is the result of rape, (b) there is a risk of death to the mother and (c) the fetus has anencephaly. Given the exceptional nature of these three sole circumstances in which abortion is legal, Brazilian law does not establish a time limit for terminating a pregnancy.
The conservative extremism of the deputy who authored the project, Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL-RJ), and of the deputy who authored the urgency request, Eli Borges, both from the PL, the latter coordinator of the evangelical bench, is an expression of the irrationality, intolerance, and lack of humanism of the evangelical bench in the Brazilian Congress.
The search for political protagonism through the imposition, on the whole of Brazilian society, of the extremist religious perspective brought by evangelical denominations in their political struggle borders on insanity.


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